Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pulling A Toepher

Contact us either by sending email to of posting on our Guild Forum
Ok I know I mess up the name of the song intro so here is it Cage the Elephant - Ain't No Rest for the Wicked. And again thank you to them.

The LFG system and the long wait for dps. Daemon's secret to success. The new changes that are coming to World of Warcraft and how is seems to be a positive and negative updates. Why Warriors are gear dependent here is video the Gear dependant.

Mod to look at. Guild Tax you can get it at Guild is a good mod but this just our opion. Like we said look for ways to my u a better player so here are some site that we use and the one that daemon said.

Pulling a Toepher what it means: Ok it means walk, jumping, jetpacking, driving, riding off the gunship or the dock in icc after u start the gunship and before the combat starts.

Bigstax joins for a moment computers on the frizts. Big miss that part of the conversation.
Want to give a speacel thank you drowning pool for outro song Bodies
Thank you for tunning in.

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