Thursday, February 11, 2010

Authenticator Is A MUST!

Here we are again. I would like to thank everyone out there that has listen to or subscribed to our show.

Raid Progression

Ok raid progression is something that has been floating around the air sense wow came out. This give you an idea where your guild and other guild stand on your sever or on a global scale. You can also if your not in a guild us this information to help you disced on what kind of guild your looking for. So here is the site that Scammander said in the show. Wowprogress

Festival Love is in the air

Well it month of Valentines, so that mean it's time for the love is in the air festival on wow. Dragen and Bigstax blow thought the achievements really fast and if you would like to know how to do some of them send them a tell and I know that they would answer your question.

Something Really Kool

This is for all those people out there and want a cell phone case or something to cover their computer, even if to cover your xbox 360. The site is called and you can upload a picture of most anything you want and get a awesome looking case. So all you Wow lovers out that want to get a pic of your toon on your cell phone please go there I know I will.

Mulity boxing

Mulity boxing is not using a bot program. Though it is discouraged among Blizzard it is not a bot. You have to still interact with the computer and people in the game. I don't believe in the use of this process for the fact that I can cost alot of money to accomplish it. Though some people do and i don't have a problem with that so it up to you out there to choose what to do.

Fail Players
Here are the fail players or ninja so far we have EOX on Bloodhoof has openly admitted to ninjaing loot. So becareful when you run with him. Then there is Toxin also on Bloodhoof who has said that if your in a raid with him and your the lowest dps he will kick from group and let you loot anything and if you died during a fight and your the highest dps that you will not get any loot. So keep a look out for these guys on the server and make sure you stay away from them.

Mod of the Week

Carbonite is the mod of the week. Carbonite takes the place of Quest helper, Cartoghper, and Gather. It's used less memory and and if you are in a guild and others have it will show where they are at. It also show where dungeons and raid location. If you have a gather trade and you can use the route system to fly to all the know locations that u have farmed before or if u just want to import the nodes that carbonite has you can do that too. For pvp it will list player of the oppisite faction that are near you and if you get ganked we lets just say you can find them alot easier with this later on. So u can get carbonite at

Authenticator Is A MUST!

If you play wow you must get a athuenticator. Cause your guild is not going to wait for you too long to go raid. You get a kool pet too. And for the Lil k-t and panda pet is for a good foundation.

Fail tard of the week by Demondreams

Fail tard of the week is... Lightblade. If your that good the we would have downed him the first time with you there.

Time to upgrade

Start upgrading now. Wow is revamping there graphic engines so start getting new video card and more memory. So here are some sites where you can get what you might need.

New profession

Archaeology is going to be hard and long road ahead and it will be difficult to do. There is talk about and mini game involved with this new profession. Though this new profession has huge reward at the end called Path of the titian so now your toons with be a little more indepth when others will. So in the end this will weed out the played that want the best build and best gear, and not alone the best stuff for there guild as well. So hope to see many of you out there looking for this new stuff with this new profression.

Thank you for listening to Last Laugh Chat

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